Monday, July 1, 2013

Get in and Get Around in Solo City

Touring in Solo

The Nature of Solo 

Solo is located 100 km from Semarang, Capital City of Central Java and 60 kilometers from Special Province of Jogjakarta. Both Solo and Jogjakarta has a similarity. Since Solo does not belong to Province, Solo has fewer tourist than Jogjakarta has. Nevertheless, the characteristic of Solo's culture and tradition is stronger than Jogjakarta. The people who place Jogjakarta now are heterogeneous. It is because Jogjakarta is not only well known as the center of tourist attraction of Javanese' culture - tradition but also as the center of education. There are many educational institutions there, e.g universities and academies of school. Therefore, people from another cities, regencies, even abroad study and stay there until they get graduation. 
Solo is more quiet and friendly as the tradition, culture, as well as characteristics are still held by Solo people. Solo is one of the beautiful places which is characterized as an Royal City in Java Island because it has Mangkunegaran and Kasunanan Kingdom. 

Initially, Solo (short name of Surakarta) belonged to Mataram Kingdom. This city even became a center of Mataram Government. Since there was Giyanti Convention which was held in February, 13th, 1755, it made Islamic Kingdom broke  (as an impact of Dutch's provocation). The result of broken Islamic Kingdom established two centers of government at that time: Jogjakarta and Surakarta Government. In addition, the Surakarta Government was broken into Kasunanan and Mangkunagaran Kingdom as a result of Salatiga Convention (occurred in 1767).

In 1742, the Chinese people rebelled and against the dominion of King Pakubuwana II who throne in Kartasura Kingdom so that Kartasura Kingdom broke and He moved to Ponorogo, East Java. Through VOC's help, the rebellion could be quelled , then Kartasura could be taken again. As the replacement of the Capital Kingdom that had been destroyed, then the people established the new Kingdom in February, 18th, 1745 (now well known as Surakarta Kingdom).   

The given name of Surakarta Hadiningrat based on the forefathers's intuition. The meaning of Surakarta Hadiningrat ethology is a new hope of country to create comfortable place to live. 

How to Access Solo City

Wanna have holiday in Solo City? It is easy as well as simple. Do not worry! Solo has transportation that can support the comfortable tour for the domestic and international tourists. 
First option is plane transportation
Solo has an international airport, although it belongs to small international airport. The distance from this airport to center of Solo city is about 10 kilometers. The international flight only service destination to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (by Air Asia) and Singapore (by Silk Air). Then, the most flight service is the destination to Jakarta (eight times a day). On the other hand, there is another options: Start from Adisucipto International Airport, Jogjakarta you  can also reach this solo city comfortably. As from there, you can go to by train (Maguwo railway station in front of Adisucipto International Airport) with 1 hour average time (60 kilometers).
Second Option is Bus Transportation 
From Jogjakarta to Solo City, you can go to by bus. You just need to spend about 10,000 (U$ !1). When entering Solo, you must stop at Titonadi Bus Station. After arriving in bus station, you can look for taxi in front of bust station or you can go by pedicab as well as ojek motorcycle. If you want to choose pedicab or ojek motorcycle, you must bargain cleverly. But do not worry, the driver is so friendly and helpful.
Third Option is Train Transportation 
Solo has three railway station, that is Solo Jebres, Balapan, as well as Purwosari Railway Station. Note: The main and the biggest one is Balapan Railway Station which is located in the center of city. There are trains operate from Jakarta to Solo, Solo to Jakarta, Bandung to Solo, Solo to Bandung, Solo to Surabaya as well as Surabaya to Solo. The costs that you spend depend on what class of train that you choose. The most expensive is executive, the average cost is business, and the low cost is economy class. The cost of executive class is about 260,000 (U$26), business class is about 160,000 (U$16), and economy class is about 50,000 (U$5). The executive class services more comfortable big seat, free of charge blankets and pillow, food and beverage, air conditioner.
Note: The train ticket can be got 90 days before departing. You can book the ticket through official site of Indonesia Train Inc (PT Kereta Api Indonesia), Indomart, Alfamart, Indonesia Post Office, or you can book straightly in ticket reservation office of railway station. The requirement and urgent to fulfill is that you must show your identity card to book it.
Fourth Option is Rental Car
There are various car can be rented.
Citra Persada. Jl Pagelaran 69-B phone: +62 271 780433.
Riz. Jl Dr Rajiman 354 phone: 62 271 742926.
Solo. Jl Yosodipuro 38 phone: +62 271 7076610.
Yan. Jl Sriwijaya 11 RT 002/03 phone: +62 271 717541.

Places Must to See 

Keraton Kasunanan (Kasunanan Kingdom): A palace where Pakubowono King and his family live. In this are, there are museum and art center. 
Pura Mangkunegaran (Mangkunegaran Kingdom): A palace where the Princes live. 
Kampung Batik Laweyan (Laweyan Batik Village) 
Sukuh Temple 
Klewer Market 
Triwindu Market 
Carnival Batik Solo 
Cetho Temple 
Tawangmangu Waterfall 
Bengawan Solo Waterfall 
Solo Grocer Center (Pusat Grosir Solo: PGS) 
Beteng Trade Center 

Window Shopping 

Laweyan Batik Village (Kampung Batik Laweyan): It is one of the tourist attraction where tourists can see the process of batik production, knowing the history of the establishment of Batik Laweyan industry as well as you can buy the fashionable and beautiful batik there. 
Kauman Batik Village (Kampung Batik Kauman): The concept of the Kauman Batik Village is similar to Laweyan Batik Village. You cannot only see the process of the making batik but also you can please your heart through window shopping of batik. It is nuanced near to the main street of Slamet Riyadi Street and Kasunanan Palace. 
Klewer Market (Pasar Klewer): Here, most seller sell batik and fashion clothes with reasonable price. The most transactions are characterized through bargaining. So, if you want to buy some batiks here but you can not understand the local language, I advice you to get a tourist guide to help you. There are many tourist guides who are helpful and friendly. Besides, sometimes there are English Department Student of University who are ready and happy to guide the tourists free of charge because they just intend to practice and improve their English.  
Solo Grocer Center (Pusat Grosir Solo): This building is characterized by modern concept with five stories building. It is near to Klewer Market as well as Indonesia Bank. The price of fashion batik that you adore is also reasonable. As usually, you need to bargain the price of item that you want to buy cleverly but if you can not speak Javanese Language or Bahasa Indonesia, you must get a tourist guide.  Usually you will get hungry or thirsty after surrounding shops to buy something that you like. Do not worry, there are many food stalls in front of this building. You can tastes the local culinary there. 
Wayang Orang Performance in Sriwedari: Every night start at 7 pm, you can show the performance of traditional drama which is famously called as Wayang Orang Drama. The price of ticket that you need to spend is very cheap, that is only 3,000 (U$ 1/4). 

Where to Take a Rest

The settlement of tourist service is designed very well. It means that the hospitality Industry and the government work together cooperatively. Therefore, you do not need to worry to enjoy your vacation in this city. Solo has a wide various of hotel to sleep, from low budget until high budget. If you want to take a rest but with limited budget, you can look for hotel 2 or 3 stars as long as Slamet Riyadi Street, near to Purwosari Railway Station, near to Pasar Legi district, or near to Laweyan village. If you have middle budget, you can choose 4 stars hotel, such as Novotel, Ibis, Sahid, and Kusuma Sahid Prince Hotel. Moreover, if you want to get more extra service, you can choose the only one five stars hotel in Solo, that is Lor in Hotel which is located near to Kartasura Sub-district. 

I Want Western Beverage

In certain condition, suddenly you miss your food to eat where you live. Do not worry, there are western food such as: pizza, spaghetti, steak, Kentucky Fried Chicken. 

You can get them in some modern malls, such as: Solo Grand Mall and Solo Square which are located in Slamet Riyadi Street, near to Purwosari Railway Station or you can go to Hartono Mall and Park Mall which are located in southern solo city, that is called as Solo Baru (New Solo). 

I Want Oriental Food 

Are you Chinese?  or maybe you are non Chinese but you want to try the good taste of Chinese food in Solo. Do not worry, you can also get them in malls as I mentioned above, or you can go to Diamond Restaurant which is located in Slamet Riyadi Street. 

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