Tuesday, November 26, 2013

View Jogjakarta Deeply

Jogjakarta: A Special District

Jogjakarta is one of the biggest city in Java Island which belong to the capital and center of government of Special Province of Jogjakarta. It also belongs to a place where Jogjakarta King and Pakualam Duke live. One of the Sub-district, that is Kota Gede (in English: Big City) had ever became a center of Mataram Kingdom Empire in 1575-1640. The Kingdom Palaces which still have fully function are Jogjakarta and Pakualam Palace. Those palaces are as a result of Separated Mataram Kingdom. 

Wanna Get In Solo?Check First the 2014 Calendar Event

Are there who want to have vacation in Solo City next year? If there is somebody who want to, it is important to see the calender event that had been already published by the Tourism Institution of Solo Government. Who knows, when having vacation, visiting work, or everything that is, you can enjoy the event performance which is set by Solo Government. 

As we know, the Solo government routinely release the calendar event of Solo in a year. The government also will release the monthly calendar as a revision of yearly calender event which experience schedule change, place, as well as adding event. This calender event is functioned as a promotion media to improve the number of tourists in Solo. This calender also belongs to the effective media among city government, travel agent, hoteliers, as well as stage holders involved in there. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Get in and Get Around in Solo City

Touring in Solo

The Nature of Solo 

Solo is located 100 km from Semarang, Capital City of Central Java and 60 kilometers from Special Province of Jogjakarta. Both Solo and Jogjakarta has a similarity. Since Solo does not belong to Province, Solo has fewer tourist than Jogjakarta has. Nevertheless, the characteristic of Solo's culture and tradition is stronger than Jogjakarta. The people who place Jogjakarta now are heterogeneous. It is because Jogjakarta is not only well known as the center of tourist attraction of Javanese' culture - tradition but also as the center of education. There are many educational institutions there, e.g universities and academies of school. Therefore, people from another cities, regencies, even abroad study and stay there until they get graduation. 
Solo is more quiet and friendly as the tradition, culture, as well as characteristics are still held by Solo people. Solo is one of the beautiful places which is characterized as an Royal City in Java Island because it has Mangkunegaran and Kasunanan Kingdom. 

Initially, Solo (short name of Surakarta) belonged to Mataram Kingdom. This city even became a center of Mataram Government. Since there was Giyanti Convention which was held in February, 13th, 1755, it made Islamic Kingdom broke  (as an impact of Dutch's provocation). The result of broken Islamic Kingdom established two centers of government at that time: Jogjakarta and Surakarta Government. In addition, the Surakarta Government was broken into Kasunanan and Mangkunagaran Kingdom as a result of Salatiga Convention (occurred in 1767).

Thursday, June 20, 2013

International Airports in Java Island

Visiting Java Island, Indonesia is Simple

Java Island is a wonderful place to visit. It has beautiful panorama, arts, cultures, tradition, friendly local people. So you do not hesitate to visit it. If you live outside Indonesia (international tourists), you can access this place, Java Island, Indonesia which has some international airports. From near to this airport, you can move by riding another public transportation (bus, taxi, or train) to access the interesting places in Java Island. There are Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Banten City, near to Jakarta City), Juanda International Airport (Surabaya City), Adisumarmo International Airport (Surakarta/ Solo City), Adi Sucipto International Airport (Jogjakarta Province), Achmad Yani International Airport (Semarang City), Husein Sastranegara Internasional Airport (Bandung City).