Thursday, June 20, 2013

International Airports in Java Island

Visiting Java Island, Indonesia is Simple

Java Island is a wonderful place to visit. It has beautiful panorama, arts, cultures, tradition, friendly local people. So you do not hesitate to visit it. If you live outside Indonesia (international tourists), you can access this place, Java Island, Indonesia which has some international airports. From near to this airport, you can move by riding another public transportation (bus, taxi, or train) to access the interesting places in Java Island. There are Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Banten City, near to Jakarta City), Juanda International Airport (Surabaya City), Adisumarmo International Airport (Surakarta/ Solo City), Adi Sucipto International Airport (Jogjakarta Province), Achmad Yani International Airport (Semarang City), Husein Sastranegara Internasional Airport (Bandung City).

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

East Java Province in Glance

Magical of East Java 

The Unique Territory, Famous Tourist Attraction and Climate of East Java Province

figure:Ludruk Stage Art,East Java,Indonesia
East Java is a name of province which is located eastern Java, Indonesia. Surabaya is the name of capital of East Java. The large of this province is about 47. 922 km 2, and the density of populous of this province is 37.476.757 in 2010. East Java Province has the largest territory among 6 provinces which is located in Java Island. Besides, it posses the two largest density of populous after West Java Province's. This province is bordered by Java Sea in northern, Bali Straits in eastern, Hindia Ocean in southern as well as Central Java Province in western. East Java Province also has Madura Island, Bawean Island, Kangean Island as well as small islands in Java Sea and Hindia Ocean (Sempu Island and Nusa Barung).

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Central Java in Glance

figure:Grojogan Sewu Waterfall,Central Java,Indonesia
Central Java 

Central Java, Java Island, Indonesia

Central Java is a name of province which is located in center of Java Island. This province is bordered through West Java Province in western, Hindia Ocean and Special Province of Jogjakarta in southern, East Java Province in eastern as well as Java Sea in northern. This province also involves the Nusakambangan Island (near to the bordered of West Java Province) and Karimun Jawa Island in Java Sea.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

West Java Railway Stations:Address plus Route

figure:Bandung Railway Station,West Java

Comfortable Travelling Through Train

The Indonesia Train Inc provides more than one hundreds railway station in West Java Province. This incorporated company very concerns to the convenience of passengers. The route  of this train does not only take passengers in the West Java Province territory but also take them to out side West Java Province, e.g. Special Province of Jakarta, Central Java Province as well as East Java Province. 
Tips: When you want to go by train, you must show your identity card to the officers. If you cannot show it, you will not be able to ride the train. If you are international tourists, you can show your passport. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

West Java Province in Glance

figure: Dormant Volcano of Tangkuban Perahu
Mountain, Bandung, west Java

Marvelous West Java, Indonesia

West Java is a name of province in Java island with Bandung as it's capital city. The development of history shows that west java belongs to the first province which was formed in Indonesia territory. The West Java Province was established based on the Law Legalization Number: 11. Year: 1950. West Java is a province with the most populous people in Indonesia. The part west of this province is straightly bordered by the Special Province of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The West Java Province in 2000 was separated with the new Banten Province, which is located in west part. 

the Nature of Java Island

figure:Panorama of village with green rice field in Central Java

Beautiful Java Island, Indonesia

Java is an island of Indonesia which has a population of 136 million. It belongs to the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated island in the world. This island is stayed by 60 percent of its population. Jakarta is the name of Indonesia's capital city which is located in west part of Java Island. In addition, this island belongs to the most history place in Indonesia because it is a center place of Indonesian people in reaching their independence from the Dutch colonialism. The proclamation of Indonesia's independence was also taken place in Jakarta, western java. It is proclaimed by the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno. Besides, some areas of java island also belonged to the witness of the existence of Hindu, Buddhist as well as Islamic monarchy.