Wednesday, June 12, 2013

East Java Province in Glance

Magical of East Java 

The Unique Territory, Famous Tourist Attraction and Climate of East Java Province

figure:Ludruk Stage Art,East Java,Indonesia
East Java is a name of province which is located eastern Java, Indonesia. Surabaya is the name of capital of East Java. The large of this province is about 47. 922 km 2, and the density of populous of this province is 37.476.757 in 2010. East Java Province has the largest territory among 6 provinces which is located in Java Island. Besides, it posses the two largest density of populous after West Java Province's. This province is bordered by Java Sea in northern, Bali Straits in eastern, Hindia Ocean in southern as well as Central Java Province in western. East Java Province also has Madura Island, Bawean Island, Kangean Island as well as small islands in Java Sea and Hindia Ocean (Sempu Island and Nusa Barung).

East Java Province is famously called as the center of Indonesia's eastern who contributes the significance of business economy for Indonesia. 

The territory of East Java can be classified into three zones: south zone, central zone (volcano mountain), and north zone. The flatland and highland are in central (from the cities of Ngawi, Blitar, Malang, and Bondowoso) which have fertile land. In northern (from cities of Bojonegoro, Tuban, Gresik, Madura) is placed by north limestone mountains and Kendeng Mountain which is relatively desert. 

In central part, there are volcano mountains: The borderline of Central Java is Lawu Mountain (3.265 meter). There is a Willis Mountain in south east of Madiun City (2.169 meter) and Liman Mountain (2.563 meter). There are two famous mountains which are functioned as tourists attraction: Bromo and Semeru Mountain. Semeru Mountain belongs to the highest mountain in Java Island (3.676 meter). 

In slope of Lawu Mountain, there is a natural lake which its name "Sarangan Lake". It is functioned as tourism attraction.

East Java has wet tropic climate. This province has more few rainfall than western of Java Island. The average of temperature is about 21-34 degree Celsius.  Nevertheless, the temperature of highland is more few, especially in slope of Semeru Mountain (4 degree Celsius). The soft white snow sometimes falls down there. 

Ethnics Group of East Java Province

The major of East Java People is Java Ethnic. Nevertheless, the ethnicity of this province is more heterogeneous. The Java Ethnic almost diffuses in flatland of it. Madura Ethnic places the Madura Island and Tapal Kuda Island (eastern side of East Java). Most Madura Ethnic works in informal sector. 

The Language of East Java People 

Bahasa Indonesia is official language to speak. Nevertheless, Javanese Language is spoken by many East Java ethnic group. The Javanese Language of East Java is called as non standard Javanese Language. 


East Java posses a large number of arts. Ludruk is the name of one of the famous art in East Java. It is a stage art which is played by men. This art tells about the daily life of East Java people and it is often mixed with humor and social critical. And commonly it is opened with Remo and Parikan Dance. Nowadays, this traditional stage art can be seen in Surabaya, Mojokerto, and Jombang City.  

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