Thursday, June 6, 2013

Central Java in Glance

figure:Grojogan Sewu Waterfall,Central Java,Indonesia
Central Java 

Central Java, Java Island, Indonesia

Central Java is a name of province which is located in center of Java Island. This province is bordered through West Java Province in western, Hindia Ocean and Special Province of Jogjakarta in southern, East Java Province in eastern as well as Java Sea in northern. This province also involves the Nusakambangan Island (near to the bordered of West Java Province) and Karimun Jawa Island in Java Sea.

The terminology of the name of Central Java sometimes also includes the name of Special Province of Jogjakarta. Central Java is famously called as the "heart of Java Culture". Nevertheless, there is another ethnic groups in this province, that is Sunda ethnic in the bordered of western of Java. Besides, there are mixture ethnics of Chinese - Indonesia, Arabic-Indonesia as well as India-Indonesia in this province. 


Central Java had been formed since the colonialism of Dutch. Central Java consisted of five cities in 1905 (Semarang, Kudus, Kedu, Banyumas as well as Pekalongan). 
Surakarta (well known as Solo City) still belonged to the independence monarchy and it is divided into Surakarta Monarchy and Mangkunegaran Monarchy. 


Central Java consists of 29 regencies and 6 cities. Then, these regencies and cities involved 545 sub-districts and 8.490 villages.

Beautiful Cities to Visit 

Central Java Province posses many marvelous cities. The beautiful of nature, interesting cultural, arts, dance, batik blend to be one united that can not be separated. You must be glad when you are here. These are the list of cities as well as regencies in Central Java: 
  1. Banjarnegara Regency (Capital: Banjarnegara) 
  2. Banyumas Regency (Capital: Purwokerto) 
  3. Batang Regency (Capital: Batang) 
  4. Blora Regency (Capital: Blora) 
  5. Boyolali Regency (Capital: Boyolali) 
  6. Brebes Regency (Capital: Brebes) 
  7. Cilacap Regency (Capital: Cilacap) 
  8. Demak Regency (Capital: Demak) 
  9. Grobogan Regency (Capital: Purwodadi) 
  10. Jepara Regency (Capital: Jepara) 
  11. Karanganyar Regency (Capital: Karanganyar) 
  12. Kebumen Regency (Capital: Kebumen) 
  13. Kendal Regency (Capital: Kendal) 
  14. Klaten Regency (Capital: Klaten City)
  15. Kudus Regency (Capital: Kudus) 
  16. Magelang Regency (Capital: Mungkid City) 
  17. Pati Regency (Capital: Pati) 
  18. Pekalongan Regency (Capital: Kajen) 
  19. Pemalang Regency (Capital: Pemalang) 
  20. Purbalingga Regency (Capital: Purbalingga) 
  21. Purworejo Regency (Capital: Purworejo) 
  22. Rembang Regency (Capital: Rembang) 
  23. Semarang Regency (Capital: Ungaran) 
  24. Sragen Regency (Capital: Sragen) 
  25. Sukoharjo Regency (Capital: Sukoharjo) 
  26. Tegal Regency (Capital: Slawi) 
  27. Temanggung Regency (Capital: Temanggung) 
  28. Wonogiri Regency (Capital: Wonogiri) 
  29. Wonosobo Regency (Capital: Wonosobo) 
  30. Magelang City 
  31. Pekalongan City 
  32. Salatiga City
  33. Semarang City
  34. Surakarta City 
  35. Tegal City


Central Java can be accessed easily from around the world because it has international and local airport. So, if you are citizen outside of Indonesia, you do not hesitate to visit Central Java. Besides, there are many railway stations and travel agent that make you comfort in taking you to view marvelous various tourist attraction.

List of Airport in Central Java 

  1. Ahmad Yani Airport, located in Semarang City (International Airport) 
  2. Adi Sumarmo Airport, located in Surakarta/ Solo City (International Airport)
  3. Ngloram Airport, located in Cepu City (local airport) 
  4. Tunggul Wulung Airport, located in Cilacap Regency (local airport) 

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