Sunday, June 2, 2013

the Nature of Java Island

figure:Panorama of village with green rice field in Central Java

Beautiful Java Island, Indonesia

Java is an island of Indonesia which has a population of 136 million. It belongs to the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated island in the world. This island is stayed by 60 percent of its population. Jakarta is the name of Indonesia's capital city which is located in west part of Java Island. In addition, this island belongs to the most history place in Indonesia because it is a center place of Indonesian people in reaching their independence from the Dutch colonialism. The proclamation of Indonesia's independence was also taken place in Jakarta, western java. It is proclaimed by the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno. Besides, some areas of java island also belonged to the witness of the existence of Hindu, Buddhist as well as Islamic monarchy.

Java island is characterized through the diversity of culture, religion, tradition, beauty natural tourism object from east side until west side.

Javanese people has a specific mother tongue to speak ,e.g sunda language, java language,  madura language, oshing language. Nevertheless, they also speak Bahasa Indonesia as their official language in the country. It means that they are bilingual or even multilingual because the influence of environment. For example: people who live in central java (java language) work and stay in west java (sunda lannguage) for a period of time, then he/she can speak java, sunda language as well as Bahasa Indonesia. Java posses various mixture of beliefs and culture.

Based on the statistic data of legal government, most java people is Muslim. There are also Christ, Hinduism, Buddhism and Konghucu which are legalized by Indonesia government. According to history, Java island was formed through the eruption of volcanic. The top mountain of Semeru which is located in East Java belong to the highest mountain in Java Island. Semeru mountain has an active volcano. 

Java possess West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta Province. Jakarta and Yogyakarta have special administrative city through legalization of government as those cities contributed history of the Indonesia's independence. Therefore, those cities are called as special province in Java Island. These cities have capital. Bandung is the capital of West Java, Semarang is the capital of Central Java, Surabaya is the capital of East Java, Banten is the capital of Banten, Yogyakarta is the capital of Yogyakarta, and Jakarta is the capital of Jakarta.

Rice fields cover most areas in Java Island. There are a number of people who live in suburban or village who work as a rice farmer. Rice belongs to the main daily food of Java people (Indonesia).
Each spot of Java Island's areas has wonderful tourism objects. Both international and local tourists can access those tourism objects easily because there are media, facilities, accommodation as well as information which are served to support the advance of Indonesia's tourism objects, especially they which are located in Java Island.

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